Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Nevada vote fraud official - Denver Conspiracy | Examiner.com

After almost every Caucus thus far, the election has to be ultimately rendered meaningless. with the only real solutions being independent Grand Jury investigations, total do-overs, or simply allow the establishment and it’s minions to steal the nomination away from the people and the candidate they are actually trying to choose, and simply give it to Mitt Romney instead.

Amazingly, as state after state is ransacked by establishment backed party officials, as Romney continues to benefit from all the pre-meditated mayhem, the establishment’s media continues to act as if nothing whatsoever is happening and everything is under control, as if all this has been the plan all along.

Breaking the story of Chairwoman, Tarkanian’s resignation, while trying to be as quiet about it as possible, The Nevada Sun did their very best to spin the circumstances and cleverly word the story, attempting to leave the reader with the impression that everything was going to be ok, when the actual reality of the circumstances is obviously quite dire.

 As it turns out, just as in Iowa, the likelihood that Ron Paul should have actually been the winner is very high. Not only did CNN show live coverage of a special late evening vote count in a populated Las Vegas precinct that had Ron Paul winning by almost 60%, statistics are showing that Ron Paul may have actually won the entire caucus by approx. the same margin, had in not been for another round of State GOP election fraud that is seemingly never going to be address by the powers that be, for obvious reasons