Revolution PAC, a pro-Ron Paul super PAC, reported Tuesday that it is in the process of preparing an effort to combat election fraud in the upcoming elections. Revolution PAC’s actions are a direct result of reports of election fraud during Saturday’s Nevada Caucuses.
Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul have been especially vocal about possible election fraud in Saturday’s Nevada Caucuses, citing comparisons of Mr. Paul’s voter support in 2012 to his voter support in 2008. Although Mr. Paul’s vote total had increased significantly in each election leading up to Saturday’s election, the voter turnout in the Nevada Caucuses was nearly equal to the voter turnout for Mr. Paul in 2008.
“Revolution PAC finds the litany of dissimilarities surrounding several ballot counts, suspect state party resignations, voters being asked to sign ‘religious declarations,’ in addition to precinct totals outnumbering actual registered voters documented by county election officials to be outrageous, unacceptable and patently un-American,” explained Revolution PAC Chair Gary Franchi, in a press release. “This is no way in which to conduct any election, let alone a presidential primary nominating process,” Mr. Franchi added.
Revolution PAC will employ a nationally recognized research firm to monitor polling locations and to conduct exit polls. “Going forward,” Mr. Franchi professed, “we will be ready to take immediate action and challenge any irregularities.”
Revolution PAC posits that reports of election fraud first surfaced after the Iowa Caucuses in early January. Revolution PAC contends that misplaced ballots, inaccurate counts and other errors led to Mr. Santorum’s victory several weeks after the Iowa Caucus results were announced.
Revolution PAC provides support for Mr. Paul through TV advertising, direct mail campaigns, Web promotions, billboards and radio ads.