Campaign Against Bride Trafficking (INDIA)
Human Trafficking Statistics world wide
The price of victims sold to human traffickers is based upon publicly available reports and is quoted in U.S. Dollars. Click on the dollar figure to see the source of the price.
· Babies from Nigeria: $6,400
· Babies in China: $7,800
· Babies in Malaysia: $6,588
· Children in China: $6,100 for boys, $500 for girls
· Children in Ghana: $50 to parent, then $300 to trafficker
· Children in India: $45, versus $350 for buffalo
· Children in Iraq: Between $300 to $5,500
· Children in Thailand: $25 typical price to "rent" a child beggar
· Children in the United Kingdom: $25,000
· Girls from Romania: $3,000 to $6,000
· Girls in Bangladesh: $250
· Person in Canada: $4,879 paid by pimp to trafficker
· Teenage girls in Iraq: $5,000 for Virgins, $2.500 for Non-Virigns
· Teenage girls in Ontario, Canada: $5,989 for a girl from Quebec
· Woman in Pakitan: $342
· Women from Myanmar: $7,300 as brides to China
· Women from Nepal: $975 in Mumbai
· Women from North Korea (by age): $1,066 (20s), $761 (30s), $457 (40s)
· Women from Vietnam: $6,174 charged to men in Malaysia to purchase wife (Bride Trafficking)
· Haryana cost of girl (Bride Trafficking) : 4000 Rs (approx 77 Euro)
An underground railroad organization that rescues human trafficking victims in China says that the costs from $1,300 to over $3,000 to conduct a rescue operation. The organization helps North Korean women who have been sold by traffickers to men in China. The women are sold to the men to be their brides for around $1,000.
Due to China’s one child policy, in certain areas of China the ration between men to female is 14 to 1.
Source: Melanie Kirkpatrick, “North Korea: Human Traffickers and the Chinese Market for Brides,” Daily Beast, August 20, 2012.
Human trafficking profits in Macedonia
Unofficial estimates of the human trafficking trade in Macedonia places the profits to the traffickers at $61 to $73 Million (50 to 60 Million Euros) a year.
Many women who end up as victims of the human trafficking trade in Macedonia are trafficked from the Baltic region. During a span of 7 months in 2012, police in Macedonia apprehended 54 women from Baltic countries who were part of a human trafficking ring.
Source: Biljana Lajmanovska, “Poverty is forcing Balkan women into sex trade,” Southeast European Times, August 15, 2012.
Age of human trafficking victims in Ohio
A three year investigation in human trafficking activity in the US state of Ohio found that out of 328 victims, 115 girls were trafficked before the age of 18. 12 percent of the minors were sold by human traffickers before they were 12 years old.
63 percent of the victims were run-aways.
According to the report, customers who paid for sex with these girls were “drug dealers, businessmen, police officers, lawyers, truckers, athletes and politicians”. The men who have sex with the minors at homes, offices, bars and motels.
The men would pay between $10 to $150, depending on the services provided.
Source: Associated Press, “Report: Women recruit girls for Ohio sex trade,” San Francisco Chronicle, August 8, 2012.
Earnings of Human Trafficker in Canada
A human trafficker who was exploiting a Montreal girl by forcing her to work as a prostitute in Ontario made a reported $19,847 (20,000 Canadian) over a three month period, or $6,615 a month.
It was previously reported that a human trafficker in Ontario is able to purchase a girl for $5,989 (6,000 Canadian Dollars).
Source: Catherine Solyom, “Human trafficking is a hidden issue that’s hard to prove,” Montreal Gazette, July 19, 2012.
Human trafficking victims in Bulgaria in 2011
Authorities in Bulgaria reported rescuing 550 victims of human trafficking in the country in 2011. In the first half of the year, 313 victims were found.
In total, the human trafficking market in Bulgaria generates $1.5 Billion in revenue and has between 8,000 to 12,00 victims.
Source: “550 Human Trafficking Victims Registered in Bulgaria in 2011,”, July 13, 2012.
Police in China broke up baby trafficking rings in 15 different provinces and arrested over 800 people. Police reported that babies were being sold for up to $7,800 (50,000 Yuan).
Between 2009 and 2012, state media in China reported that 18,000 children and 34,000 women have been freed from human traffickers.
Source: “China Busts Traffickers After Baby Auction,” Bloomberg BusinessWeek, July 5, 2012.
Human trafficking experts in Thailand report that the age of the youngest girls in the prostitution industry in Thailand are between the ages of 11 to 15. Many of the girls enters the prostitution trade to make money for their families.
Victims of human trafficking who are forced to work in the sex trade are trafficked from Northern and Northeast Thailand, as well as from China and Laos.
Source: “Thailand remains major centre for human trafficking,” Asia One, June 28, 2012.
According to the United States Human Trafficking Report, authorities in Cambodia convicted 20 people for human trafficking activities in 2011. In 2010, authorities convicted 36 people in the country.
Source: Sok Khemara, “Cambodia Remains Source of Trafficking, US Says,” Voice of America, June 20, 2012.
Human trafficking victims in 2012
The International Labor Organization and the United States Department of State reported in June 2012 that there were about 20.9 million people around the world who are victims of human trafficking.
In its annual Trafficking in Persons report, the State Department reported that 14.2 million people are victims of labor exploitation, 4.5 million people are sexually exploited, and 2.2 million people are forced to work as slaves.
Asia has the most human trafficking victims with 11.7 million, followed by Africa with 3.7 million, the Americas with 1.8 million, Central and with 1.6 million, North America, Europe and Australia with 1.5 million, and the Middle East with 600,000.
Source: Ian Johnston, “42,000 modern-day slaves rescued but millions in bondage, trafficking report says,”
Prostitution Prices
Asian Massage Parlor in New Jersey: $200 to $400 for oral sex and intercourse
Asian Massage Parlor in New Jersey: $200 to $400 for oral sex and intercourse
· Bangladesh: $0.60
· Beijing, China: $100 to $400
· Bulgaria: $25
· Dubai: $81 to $136 in studio flat
· Hong Kong: $40 in a one-room brothel to $232 in hostess bar
· Iraq: $100 per session
· Ireland: $45 to $129 charged by male prostitutes
· Kenya: $25 for sex with 12 year old girl
· Kurdistan: $150
· Kuwait: Between $17 to $71
· Mali: $2
· Maylaysia: $100 for sex with child
· Nigerian women in Italy: $13 per transaction
· Nigerian women in Ivory Coast: $2 per act
· Singapore: $25,000 for 3-day tour
· Suriname: One gram of gold sold for $45
· Underage girls in Washington, DC: $40 to $100 for 15 to 30 minuets of sex
· United States: $50 to $100 for street prostitute
msnbc, June 20,2012.
msnbc, June 20,2012.