Tuesday 7 December 2010

BPW Australia

About BPW

We are a group of women striving to improve conditions for working women in our society, and to highlight to the nation a woman’s perspective on the key issues of the day. We do this through leadership; through personal development of our members; and through utilising the international network and the advocacy which is Business and Professional Women International.

Our objective is to help women achieve personal and professional goals through networking, friendship, development programs and workshops, and access to National and International Conferences 

Our members have the opportunity to influence government decisions on issues important to women by lobbying for legislative change and developing their own skills and experience in the process. 

Our focus is on leadership, advocacy, personal development, networking, and women helping women.

·       Leadership

We encourage our members to take advantage of the leadership opportunities presented in our Clubs and our communities, locally, at a State level as well as nationally, and even internationally.

·       Advocacy

We advocate for all working women, as our members must all have worked, or be intending to work. We have lobbied on Paid Maternity Leave, Equal pay, Childcare issues, and we are a lead agent of the Women’s Secretariat, Security 4 Women.

·       Personal development

We offer a secure environment for women to learn from one another, and to acquire mentoring, or even to mentor themselves. Our Clubs organise seminars to enable formal professional development

·       Networking

Through our Clubs and our various communication tools, we enable women to develop strong networks locally and nationally, as well as taking advantage of the international nature of the organisation. Our members across the country face similar challenges and can use the support and knowledge of other like-minded women to provide encouragement and inspiration.

·       Women helping women

Locally and internationally we are women helping women; with contributions to a Tsunami appeal; donations for villages in Sri Lanka; goods for Women’s refuges; scholarships for women and girls to improve their education. Whilst we are not a fund raising organisation, we still are very keen to help women in need.

BPW Australia is a federation of Clubs and members represented in many areas and States/Territories of Australia, both urban and rural. Members are all volunteers with a similar objective to improve the status of women throughout Australia and the world, although each Club has its own agenda and character.

BPW encourages all women who are in the workforce, or have been in the workforce to become members. Our member profile includes women from 22 to 70, who have been or are employed, and who want to meet like-minded women with a view to friendship, mentoring, support, and personal and professional development.

Most members belong to a Club which meets monthly. The meetings are usually held over a dinner with an interesting guest speaker discussing issues which are relevant to the local members. The Clubs often have projects which address the issues of interest to the members, such as the establishment of childcare centres; support for women’s refuges; scholarships for young women in school and university; domestic violence. Where we do not currently have a Club, members can join as an Independent Member and receive information from the State President or Representative, and from Head Office.

The location of the Clubs can be found from the map of Australia on this, and other pages and interested women can seek the Club contact with a view to attending our meetings. Meetings are usually held each month and are open to all women, working or non-working who have an interest in the issues which are affecting Australian women today.

To locate a Club in your area, go to the map of Australia on this Page and to your State of Interest.